Daily Announcements

Good Morning Shiloh! Today is Thursday, January 11, 2024, and here are your announcements:

Seniors can pick up the form that shows requirements for the Senior trip in the HS office. It is due back on Tuesday, January 16. If you have questions, let Mrs.Sisk or Mrs. Evans know.

Seniors - the Herff Jones website is now open. Check your email for the link. This is only if you want additional senior gear, your cap/gowns have been ordered.

Seniors can sign up for Powderbuff outside of Mrs. Evans' room. 

Any high school student that is interested in tutoring for Math, please see Ms. Jones.  Any student that participates will get a ½ credit in elective.  

Envirothon students who do not have their study materials (except for 5th category) should pick them up from Mrs. Saddoris today. 


JH Volleyball plays Arthur Christian at 6:00

HS Girls Basketball plays at Villa Grove at 6:00. Bus leaves Shiloh at 5:00.

HS Boys Fresh/Soph Basketball plays at Westville at 5:00. Bus leaves Shiloh at 4:15.

HS Athletes ONLY are invited to the Kansas Homecoming Pep Rally this Friday. If you plan to go there will be a permission slip that needs to be signed by a parent. For those athletes that do not drive, transportation will be provided.

Now please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Have a great day Shiloh!