Read all about our week at Shiloh in our weekly newsletter!
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Remember to set your clock back one-hour this Saturday night, Nov 3rd. It's also a good reminder to check batteries in smoke and carbon-monoxide detectors.
over 4 years ago, Shiloh News
Southfork Homestead field trip grades PreK-2. A cool but fun day for everyone!
over 4 years ago, Terence Sullivan
Thank you to Mrs. Nickell and the Shiloh Pep Band for performing at the Junior High Girls Basketball home game last night. The band performed several songs between the 7th and 8th grade games and they sounded amazing!
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
pep band
Please be sure to send students in warm coats and hats and gloves as the weather cools. We will continue to have outside recess as long as there is not precipitation. Some grades have more than one recess during the day. We want to make sure everyone is toasty and warm.
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
You have a second chance to order your Football State Playoff T-shirt! Get the order form from the News Feed on Shiloh's website. This order is due Wednesday, October 30th by 4pm. These shirts will not be in before the playoff game.
over 4 years ago, HS Office
Due to impending weather, the Pre-K through 2nd grade field trip to Southfork Farms has been moved from Thursday, October 31st to TOMORROW, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29TH. Again, the field trip has been rescheduled and will now take place Tuesday, October 29th. The bus will still leave school at 10:00 am and return around 2:45.
over 4 years ago, Shiloh CUSD 1
Congratulations to the Tri-County Football Team! They are going to the 2019 State Playoffs! Click on the link to order your Playoff t-shirt.
over 4 years ago, HS Office
Check out this week's Shiloh Newsletter! Updates on Honor Roll Breakfast, Pumpkin Palooza and lots more.
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Mrs. Saddoris held a Mole Day celebration Wednesday morning before school. She and her Chemistry II students, Phoebe Allen and CJ Eakle, wowed the audience with several experiments including exploding pumpkins and disintegrating gummy bears. They definitely made chemistry fun!
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
gummy bear destruction
pumpkin prep
Jim Sanstrom from the Newman Fire Department visited our elementary students this week to talk about fire safety. The kids were able to ask questions and check out the fire truck and fire gear.
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
fire truck exit
fire truck exit
fire truck group
fire truck line
A great day and a great group! The junior high toured EIU, bowled, had lunch, and enjoyed time at the park for the 1st quarter reward.
over 4 years ago, Shiloh Jr High
EIU presentation
EIU tour
Oct 31st - PICTURE RETAKE Day - Any Shiloh Family wanting a re-take and bought pictures the first time they need to bring the old package back. If absent and needing a form for makeups contact Mrs. Pollock.
over 4 years ago, Shiloh News
Picture Day
Wednesday is UNITY Day "Together against bullying, UNITED for Kindness, acceptance, and inclusion". Shiloh Elementary Staff and Students are encouraged to wear their Kindness shirts in celebration of Unity Day and as a reminder to be kind to others.
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Pumpkin Palooza is ready to go! Can't wait to see you all here!
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
pumpkin palooza
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Check out this week's Shiloh Newsletter!
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Junior High & High School Parents, check behavior logs in TeacherEase (it's under "Miscellaneous"). Every student has at least 1 positive behavior log. We're so proud of them!
over 4 years ago, Shiloh High School
Congratulations to Kenzie Aue, Reegan Boothe, Kennedy Brown, Dallas Cary and Allowyn Nichols. They will be advancing to the ILMEA music festival at EIU in November.
over 4 years ago, HS Office
There is a JH boys basketball parent meeting tonight at Shiloh in room 11 at 5:30pm.
over 4 years ago, HS Office