Shiloh will be hosting a blood drive on Wednesday, October 30 from 11:00-4:00.
over 5 years ago, Shiloh High School
blood donatio
Shiloh Administration and Office staff sends love and support to the Sullivan CUSD #300 community. #onetribe
over 5 years ago, Shiloh CUSD 1
Shiloh sends our love and thoughts to the Sullivan community. #onetribe
over 5 years ago, Shiloh High School
Shiloh Elementary Blue
Shiloh JH HS Blue
Seniors and freshman were given class packets today by the Josten's Rep. The packets include class gear and jewelry order forms that are due with a down payment by this Friday, October 4th. Please look the packets over with your senior/freshman.
over 5 years ago, HS Office
The Shiloh community sends our thoughts and prayers to Sullivan CUSD #300 and the loved ones of the student tragically lost in a bus accident. The Sullivan community will be dressing in blue Monday in honor of Tyson. Anyone wishing to show support by wearing blue Monday is encouraged to do so.
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Grades 2 & 3 kicked off their Farm to School actives by making their own tomato sauce from scratch! A little community sharing of surplus, learning a couple kitchen skills, dash of spices. day of aroma in their hall, process and enjoy!!
over 5 years ago, Shiloh News
Tomatoes 02
Tomatoes 03
Tomatoes 04
Check out the Shiloh News for the week! Shiloh Weekly Newsletter Issue 5 2019-20
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Mark your calendars now!! FAFSA completion night is Tuesday, October 8th at 6 pm in the boardroom. All seniors & their parents are encouraged to attend. Complete the form that night or learn how to do it yourself later (but don't put it off!). To complete the form that night bring social security numbers for student & parents, parents' 2019 tax return, & student's tax return if he/she filed.
over 5 years ago, Shiloh High School
spongebob fafsa
Today's HS Cross Country Meet is being held down Broadway Avenue in downtown Mattoon, IL at 5:30pm.
over 5 years ago, HS Office
2019 TCT Powderpuff is Wednesday, October 2. Forms and information available here: This form must be completed & submitted with $5, no later than September 30.
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Burch
Shiloh Weekly Newsletter Week of 9-16-19
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
The Elementary "Be Kind" t-shirts are being sent home today. Be sure to check your student's backpack if you put in an order at the end of last month.
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
For sale: Shiloh School District is seeking sealed bids for an eXmark zero turn mower. It is a 2014, 72 inch deck with 770 hours. Mower may be viewed at the school,. Minimum bid is $2400.00. Bids will be opened on October 10, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. in the office of the superintendent.
over 5 years ago, Teresa Hawkins
3 weeks from today! Anyone interested in becoming a teacher is encouraged to attend. Learn about possible paths to becoming a licensed teacher in Illinois.
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Burch
Needing Tomatoes - 2nd & 3rd Grade are making their Signature Shiloh Spaghetti Sauce next week. If you have surplus please contact Mr. Sullivan. We're kicking off Farm-to-School ... "the sauce you can have, but the secret she's-a-mine"
over 5 years ago, Terence Sullivan
Spaghetti Sauce
6th Grade Environmental/Nature Day @ Walnut Point. Learned about measuring trees, pollinators, fishing, native plants, and recycling!
over 5 years ago, Shiloh News
Walnut Point
Dismissal changes for October! Please click on link to view changes to dismissal times.
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Shiloh Weekly Newsletter Issue 3 Click for PDF
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Happy Friday the 13th!
over 5 years ago, Shiloh Jr High
Friday the 13th
Paraprofessionals (Teacher's Aides) -- under valued classroom heroes.
over 5 years ago, Shiloh News
Teacher Aide