The softball game scheduled for today, August 20th, at ALAH has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later date. The team will practice at Shiloh Multi Room from 4-6 pm.
over 5 years ago, HS Office
Bus Schedule for 8-19 to 8-24
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Enerstar. our local power coop, loaned their Chevy Bolt all electric car to Shiloh. Teachers got to take it for test drives, to lunch, and commute home in order to understand EV technology. It was educational and also just plain fun to drive!
over 5 years ago, Shiloh News
Chevy Bolt
Teacher Driver
These seniors are ready to cruise through one more year of high school. Enjoy the journey, Class of 2020!
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Burch
2020 Cars
There is an Early Dismissal at 2:05 today, Thursday, August 15th, and tomorrow, Friday, August 16th.
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
early dismissal
Shiloh CUSD #1 Bus Schedule 8-12 to 8-17
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
5th grade boys are invited to play Tri-County JH Baseball. Please see flyer for more info.
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Back to School Open House Tuesday, August 13th. Click on link for more info.
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
open house
Preschool Screening Reminder: Preschool screening is being held on Wednesday, August 7th from 8:30 to 3. Screenings are required to enroll in the PreK program. An appointment is required for screening. Please contact Jenni Weber-Hall at 217-887-2364 ext 1 by the end of the day Monday, August 5th to make an appointment.
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Registration Reminder: Anyone registering online will need to print and complete the forms listed in Teacherease under the online form and drop them off during registration hours. There will be a drop and go system for online registration. Registration hours will be Tuesday, August 6th from 8 am to 3 pm and Wednesday, August 7th from 1 pm to 7 pm.
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Practice Shuttle Times for Week of 8-05 to 8-09: Leave Shiloh 3:10 Leave Oakland 3:35 Arrive Shiloh 4:00 Leave Shiloh 5:50 Leave Oakland 6:20 Arrive Shiloh 6:50 Times are approximate. If you need a student pick up or drop off in Newman contact Dana Bogle at 217-808-0815.
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
UPDATED Vacancy List as of Aug 1st. Classroom Aide, Parent Educator, JH/HS English, JH Science, HS Spanish. See attachment for details and application information
over 5 years ago, Shiloh News
There will be JH Softball parent meeting Wednesday, August 7th at 5:30 pm. Parents meet out at Shiloh's softball field.
over 5 years ago, HS Office
Aug 3rd (9-noon) - FREE Horizon Health 'Back to School Bang' @ Paris Clinic. For its 5th Year Horizon Health has a free health/wellness expo. Physicals available but have schedule ahead.
over 5 years ago, Shiloh News
Back to School Bang
Online Registration is up and running! Anyone who shared their email addresses with me should be receiving a TeacherEase welcome email today. The email contains a link that will take you to the TeacherEase website and prompt you to set a password. Once this is done it will take you directly to online registration. There are some forms that will be listed under the online form that still need to be printed and filled out. You can either scan and email those forms or you can bring them in during registration. No long lines though, anyone dropping online forms will be able to drop and go. Fees are also being accepted online. You can, of course, still pay fees at the school during registration by check or cash if you prefer. Once you set your password, the link in the welcome email is no longer valid and you will need to go directly to the website here to log in for future visits: If you would like to use online registration and have not yet shared an email, you can still do so up until 8-02-19. Please send your name, email and student name(s) to
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
online reg
REMINDER: Catholic Charities will be at Shiloh today from 4 pm to 5 pm and will have backpacks filled with school supplies for students in grades K-12 who need them. They will also be offering boxes of food. Bring your child's medical card to verify need.
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Job Vacancies: Shiloh has openings for Parent Educator, JH/HS English, JH Science, HS Spanish. See attachment for requirements or contact the school.
over 5 years ago, Shiloh News
Job Vacancies
Catholic Charities school supply truck will be at Shiloh next week. See flyer for more details...
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
We have received almost 100 parent emails so far and are busy making accounts for online registration. We hope to be sending out welcome emails by the first of next week! If you haven't already done so, please submit your name, email, and student's name to prior to July 29th. More info will be posted soon regarding online registration!!!
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
2019-20 Shiloh CUSD #1 Registration
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall